Regimental Rank Structure
Junior Ranks
Junior rank Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs), Corporal and below, wear regimental lace and their chevrons are also of the same lace.
- Private
- No rank designation, no chevrons.
- Chosen Man (Lance Corporal)
One chevron on upper right arm. Both arms if in a flank company.
- Corporal
Two chevrons on upper right arm. Both arms if in a flank company.
Sergeants wear white lace in place of regimental lace. No flank companies have a Regimental Sergeant Major, Quarter Master Sergeant, or Drum Major.
- Sergeant
Three chevrons on upper right arm. Both arms if in a flank company.
- Colour Sergeant
 Single chevron with stand of colours, stand of arms, and a crown on upper right arm. Flank companies also have three chevrons on the upper left arm.
- Drum Major
Four chevrons on upper right arm which may or may not have a crown over them.
- Regimental Sergeant Major
Four chevrons on the upper right arm. The coat is double breasted scarlet. Metal lace is worn in place of regimental lace.
Officer Ranks
- Lieutenant or Ensign
Single epaulette worn on right shoulder of lesser quality than a Captains. Flank company officers also wear shoulder wings denoting their company.
- Captain
Single epaulette worn on right shoulder. Flank company officers wore a wing on each shoulder with either a bugle horn (Light Co.) or a grenade (Grenadier Co.) as appropriate.
- Major
Two epaulettes with a star in each.
- Lieutenant Colonel
Two epaulettes with a crown on each. Epaulette is as per the button colour (gold or silver).
- Colonel
Two epaulettes with a crown and star on each. Epaulette is either gold or silver in colour as per metal of the buttons.
General Staff
- Brigadier-General
- Major-General
- Lieutenant-General